Friday, August 26, 2005

050825 The Art Book
My new old book! "It presents a whole new way of looking at art. Easy to use, informative and fun, it's an A to Z guide of 500 great painters and sculptors from medieval to modern times. It debunks art-historical classifications by throwing together brillant exapmles of all periods, schools, visions and techniques. Only here could Michelangelo be considered with Millais, Picasso with Piero della Francesca and Rodchenko with Rodin. Each artist is represented by a full-page colour plate of a typical work, accompanied by explanatory and illuminating information on each image and its creator. The entries are comprehensively cross-referenced and glossaries of artistic movements and technical terms are included, together with an international directory of galleries nad museum to visit. By breaking with presents a fresh and original approach to art: an unparalleled visual sourcebook and a celebration of our rich and multi-faceted culture."
It costs me HKD$25
photographed by Fujifilm S5500

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