A brand new tee will be made XDDDD Please be patience.
photographed by Fujifilm S5500
050830 A Better Sunset
After a whole raining week, the sky is back to normal. Nice weather.enjoy!
photographed by Fujifilm S5500
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
050829 Meals Tonite
Dead fish - Sai Lurn and Wong Lap Chong
photographed by Fujifilm S5500
Monday, August 29, 2005
050828 My Duckie Family
A new duckie - sweet heart has arrived today. Thx my dear! I started to create a new print for new print-tee !! HA
Hope you will get one from me!
photographed by Fujifilm S5500
Sunday, August 28, 2005
050827 Doping boy
In the Devilrobots exhibition, no one cares him.
photographed by Fujifilm S5500
050827 APM x DEVILROBOTS solo exhibition
It exhibits Cracle & Craze, To-fu figures by Devilrobots. Two of Devilrobots staff Shinichiro and Takeshi came Hong Kong and in charge of those details. The figures are funny with creative face, whatever, the display is not satisfied"...
My new old book! "It presents a whole new way of looking at art. Easy to use, informative and fun, it's an A to Z guide of 500 great painters and sculptors from medieval to modern times. It debunks art-historical classifications by throwing together brillant exapmles of all periods, schools, visions and techniques. Only here could Michelangelo be considered with Millais, Picasso with Piero della Francesca and Rodchenko with Rodin. Each artist is represented by a full-page colour plate of a typical work, accompanied by explanatory and illuminating information on each image and its creator. The entries are comprehensively cross-referenced and glossaries of artistic movements and technical terms are included, together with an international directory of galleries nad museum to visit. By breaking with presents a fresh and original approach to art: an unparalleled visual sourcebook and a celebration of our rich and multi-faceted culture."
It costs me HKD$25
photographed by Fujifilm S5500
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Blue House In Wan Chai - a reconstruction site
There are many old buildings in Wan Chai,,, whatever, the government
decided to redevelop it. So pity.!
On the ladder
photographed by Fujifilm S5500
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
photographed by Fujifilm S5500
Saturday, August 20, 2005
It's the Rainin' Day 050820 19.17 pm
The weather is awful. Rains come to ground frequently. The ceil diffuses rains from outside and drops on the floor in the house. The wooden drawer accumlates rains and then diffuses out .... it wets my legs._. I gotta wipe the floor with plenty cloths each hour.!!!! Juz a damn short supper time, the rains can be flown out under my computer chair. Wht can i do, .... it's awesome. Hate it.!!! No more Raining.