Wednesday, July 26, 2006

060726 Two fortunate encounters brought me and police together
Morning in Kwoloon Tong Subway,
Cop said, are you working?
Cop said, work from now till night?
Afternoon In WanChai Johnston Road,
Cop said, What are the things in your bag?
Cop said, What is this badge?

Cop said,What is this empty plastic bag for?

Cop said, Why do you bring such a big wallet?

and he shaked this box of Ricola

I thought for him (what's inside?)

The End
What's wrong with me? :)


Chan Brotha said...

Obviously the policemen in Wan Chai were fxxking bored !!! They ask you silly questions... haha

B.Lam said...

>:) I made 'em more and more bored

>I dressed like a Oldman

papayaN said...



B.Lam said...

gif 黎架!:)